The day is here!

square-coverIt’s snowing and massive, blustery winds as winter descends on Blacksburg in force. We have a wedding to go to today of a great couple in our church, and it is scheduled to be outdoors. Brrrr.

In the meantime, I’d really appreciate you stopping by Amazon today and buying a copy or three of Super Center Savior. Just in time for the launch and the holidays, the Kindle version of the book also went live overnight, so it’s available as well.


As I said in a previous post, here are some action items to help with:

  1. I’d appreciate reviews left on Amazon, B&N and CrossBooks. Anything that you leave will be helpful in generating interest.
  2. If you’re on Facebook, please like the Book Page. Leave a comment there if you’d like! I’ll be responding to as many as I can keep up with.
  3. If you’re on Google+, do the same there.
  4. Please use your digital influence to spread the word.
    1. Facebook page for the book
  5. I’d also welcome your ideas for how to promote it in different venues.

Also, the book’s main website is also live! It’s at Swing by and check it out. If you send me a quick review via email at [jeff at], I’ll post it there. I’m working on trying to create a comment box on the site.