First of all, what an amazing and surreal day yesterday was. Friends, family, acquaintances and even a few strangers participated in the BUY LAUNCH of Super Center Savior yesterday and the results are below. By the end of the day on Amazon (EST):
For Best Sellers:
#5 under Inspiration
#86 under Spirituality
#31 Kindle Inspiration
For Hot New Releases:
#2 under Inspiration
#8 under Spirituality
#27 under Religion & Spirituality
#88 under ALL books
#17 Kindle Spirituality
#87 Kindle Religion & Spirituality
From texts and a cornucopia (sorry, Katniss) of social media, friends, family, acquaintances and even a few strangers participated in the BUY LAUNCH of the book. I spent quite a bit of time on the Facebook page, and I told Carolyn by the end of the day that I probably need to recant some of the nasty things I’ve said about Facebook. It does have uses, and yesterday in particular, it was truly phenomenal to receive hundreds of those little translucent window updates in real-time, announcing “likes,” comments or shares. Thank you all.
I’m surprised I have any Twitter followers after yesterday’s incessant book updates. Thanks for those of you who didn’t unfriend, unfollow or otherwise sh-un me.
The hold-your-breath part of it all is this period of time. Books are in the mail, and some of you are already reading Kindle versions. It’s not the buying of a book that impacts someone, but the reading of it. In the days and weeks to come, we’ll see if the words I’ve put on paper go beyond the eyeballs to your thoughts and from there to your heart. We’ll see if the book was only a catharsis for me – getting a project completed – or if it resonate with people – and perhaps encourage, shape and beautify our world a little.
So here are a few beyond-this-point instructions for those of you willing to hang in there with me for the next month or so:
- After you read the book, please post a review on one (or preferably copy and paste to all) of the following sites: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, CrossBooks, GoodReads, LibraryThing, etc. If you HATE the book, just be vague about it. 😉
- Finally, if you will, please post an occasional digital update on the book THIS WEEK to keep it in front of people’s eyes.
Any other ideas? Share on the book site or on